三圓 新巨蛋
Neo Sky Dome
Interactive Zone
Interactive stairs provide a top-view for visitors to examine the grandeur of the city landscape. Following is a mobile flat screen that shows the design team’s dedication and ambition for this project.
新巨蛋,台灣第一高的地標式住宅,同時也是台灣唯一名列全球百大高層的住宅 。為了表現出高樓住宅的居住環境,現場特別將訪客的觀賞視角拉高,並以兩面6M*6M的L型沈浸式螢幕,運用虛擬動態影像,結合大台北的實體區域模型,完整呈現建案在地段、交通、景觀的各項優勢,使訪客得以感受居高臨下的體驗氛圍。
Model Room
International Landmarks Experience Space
Utilizing the perfect high ceiling ground floor of the department store, along with the creative inspiration from panoramic elevators, we install five super large screens with lift system inside the showroom, coupled with the stage-style lighting and sound design to create a surprising visual effect of the vertical dynamic performance, but also allow visiting guests to experience the grand design of the landmark architecture.