富邦 天空樹
Fubon SkyTree
The Exhibition of Toyo Ito’s First Tree-shaped Building
伊東說:「大自然中充滿著許多快樂的場所」,本案將他的設計元素,先轉換成為平面式的樹林端景,再透過燈光、機械與影像的 設計,變化出一個具有立體景深的互動式多媒體樹林空間。這變出來的空間,讓參訪者在驚奇之餘,體驗到樹林間生生不息的豐富能量,以及被自然環境包圍的感動。
Dynamic Forest
2D to 3D Experience Zone
“The nature is full of many happy places.” Ito said. In this project, his graphic element is converted to a 2D forest scene, and then transformed into a three-dimensional interactive multimedia room utilizing the design of lightings, machines and digital images so that people will experience the rich natural energy and enjoy the surprising moment in this forest-like space.
Diverse Changing Forest Theatre
Theme Movie and Model Display Zone
This originally designed Transformed Screen combined with stage machinery creates unexpected surprises for the presentation of the delicate architectural model. In addition, by blending the model into the panoramic images using our unique 3D mapping projection, an immersive experience for future living is created. Thus, people will feel Ito’s effort for accomplishing the design of Fubon SkyTree.